Session 0

          I have always planned to write this. It is my duty to write it for myself and anyone else who is suffering with the same problem. Alright, here goes nothing. I am 25 years old and I have struggled with depression since I was 10. Of course I did not know I was depressed at ten years old but looking back it is obvious. By age 17, I was suicidal and tried to kill myself and at 21 I gave up…mostly. I went to therapy, got me some Citalophram and dreaded going to sleep every night because I did not want to wake up the next day. The meds did not work for me so I stopped taking them after four months and decided to fake it ‘till I make it, which also did not work. I shunned (most) of my religious beliefs, I did not pray and barely went to church for almost two years because I was angry with God, myself and everybody else. I no longer cared about myself so I engaged in self-destructive behavior. I tried smoking myself to death with cigarettes and would hang around when my dad smoked so I could inhale all those carcinogens  (hoping I would get cancer) and I tried to drink myself to death. I would have daydreams of swigging from a bottle of bleach, stabbing myself, or being killed in various ways. I dreamt about my funeral, planned it all out (got kind of emo on the inside) even how I would kill myself which would be carbon monoxide or laying across the Marc train tracks and waiting for the train. At 24 I saw an ad for a clinical trial, which I joined and began taking Cymbalta. It seemed to do me a world of good. I worked myself back into church and really began enjoying it because that is the type of life that is best for me and by then I had resolved not to kill myself (still thought about it though). I had a meltdown this July at work and just left, never to return. Now I find myself back on the downhill portion of the emotional roller coaster.

          One word to describe my days now is “tepid” and I cannot see any change on the horizon. Praying, I can do that but trusting is hard because I am accustomed to doing things with what I thought was my own power. It is hard to face the realization that I do not trust God as much as I thought I did. I will go into more detail later but what I want to share the most is that despite my relationship with God (a work in progress) I still struggle with depression but it is that same relationship that keeps me from jumping out a window. Sometimes I feel like a fraud because I can write uplifting stuff while still feeling crummy inside but all my posts are true. I have grown so much spiritually but I still have a long way to go and this lingering depression is a part of that.

          A special “thank you” to Hanna, author of Purposeful Purity for inspiring me to be courageous and share. It took a while but I finally did it. I pray for your happiness and success in your future endeavors.

To Mark It, To Mark It

     Yeah, so I have been suffering with blogger’s block. My brain is so overloaded that when I try to pull out something good, everything else just falls down on top of me (like a game of Jinga). But lo and behold, I am cured! I hooked a memory with the fishing pole of my mind.

     I remember the last time Barry Black preached at my church and one of his anecdotes really stayed with me. He recounted how he was asked to preach at a young man’s funeral. He did not personally know the young man so he asked the decedent’s mother for his Bible. You see, In order to tailor his message around a person, Barry Black would skim their bible for notes, highlights, underlined portions or what have you and be able to determine what was going on in their life. He could tell who had overcome or who was struggling and with what. Amazing right? It makes sense to me. Someone who is going through a divorce would likely hold different Bible text dear to them than someone who has overcome drug addiction. Someone who is world-weary may note many of Jesus’ promises while someone who is learning who God is may have a lot of Favorites from Psalms.

     In any case, Pastor Black said that this young man’s Bible was brand spanking new. Yes, that can mean a few things; the youth simply took great care of his Bible and did not want to write in it, there was another Bible he used heavily (not the case here), he rarely opened it or he never even cracked the seal (unfortunately, this one is true). So, what was the pastor to do? I cannot remember that clearly but I think he made his sermon more general and addressed the audience as well.

     My mom has a beige Zondervan KJV study Bible and of course, I wanted one too (the commentary and diagrams are awesome). When She bought one for me, I just put it on my shelf (for safekeeping). It was too perfect and I was too much of a klutz to handle it. When I started taking the Bible more seriously and studying I decided it was time to pull it down. Even for all my “protecting” my favorite bible was damaged by the fluorescent lights of mi casa (the cover has this ombré thing going on, very trendy). Then still, I handled it delicately. Well, I got a little more comfortable and started with penciled tick marks, then asterisks, then underlines, and then (oh my goodness) PEN!

     Now I use pen to circle verse numbers, asterisk chapters and I even dog-ear pages (butter me up, I’m on a roll). Barry Black’s sermon changed the way I looked at my Bible. If someone picks it up, what will they learn about me? Could some tell how important the gospel of Matthew has been to my study? Could someone see how Psalm 92 and 119:105, 114 or 2 Chronicles 7:14 strengthen my faith? Could someone see my hopes for the future in 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17. Could someone see my daily walk in Matthew 22:36-40 and Palm 19:14? Could my struggle with putting God and his word first be seen in Ezekiel 24:15-27? Could how much I value God’s law be gathered from Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5? Is my love for God obvious, observable and evident? I certainly hope so!

     Of course, there is nothing wrong with any of us who keep their Bible in pristine condition (admirable in its own right) but there is something just as impressive about a well-worn, marked up Bible. What if I left my Bible somewhere and someone who is indifferent to its contents just picks it up and flips through it. Odds are pretty good that their eyes will fall on one of my asterisked verses and they may even read it. I will have witnessed or testified without saying a word. Who knows, that could be a life changing moment for someone (just saying).

A Prayer (4)

           God, I’m struggling. I feel like I’m treading water but waves keep crashing down on top of me and I’m slowly sinking. You said you love me, you care for me, I am valuable to you; you said that and I believe you but that doesn’t keep me from hurting when things go wrong. It may be egotistical of me in the face of your power but I can’t help but to think it’s my fault. Right now my head is so full of “I should have done that”, “If only I had worked harder”, “I’m so stupid” and “why?” that I’m just at a loss. I thought this is what you wanted for me so why is everything so messed up? I’m trying so hard to actively trust you. I relied on me for so long; that makes it even harder to let go. I don’t know what to do and I definitely can’t fix my problems by myself so help me. If I’m not where you want me, tell me. I have no recourse, no back up plan if this doesn’t work out. All that time. Please don’t let me have wasted all that time. I’m sorry that I’m so weak but it’s just one blow after another, after another, after another. My coping mechanisms are failing Lord and I fear that one day I will lose it. You know how many times I’ve smiled when I didn’t feel like it. I want my weeping to only endure for the night and for joy to come in the morning. You said to ask and I will receive so I am asking for guidance because I don’t know which way to go. I know, I KNOW you have great things in store for me because you said that you want me to have life and have it more abundantly. I believe that in my heart but I’m shortsighted and my vision is obscured. I can’t see how you will get me from where I am now to where you want me to because only you know the way. Please God. I’m hurting right now but I believe you know what you’re doing even if I don’t have the slightest clue so please take me where you want me to go.

Precious Lord, take my hand

Lead me on,

Let me stand

I’m tired, I am weak I am worn

Through the storm, through the night

Lead me on to the light

Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home


When my way grows drear precious Lord linger near

When my life is almost gone

Hear my cry,

Hear my call

Hold my hand lest I fall

Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home


When the darkness appears and the night draws near

And the day is past and gone

At the river I stand

Guide my feet,

Hold my hand

Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home
